Monday, February 21, 2011

Babies are here!

Houston, we are having babies!

We haven't lost any lambs since this post - thank goodness. We have about 11 lambs on the ground and four mama's still expecting! This is good practice for real lambing season in May when we expect to have hundreds!

Here is a picture of one of the lambs - isn't she beautiful?!

Oh and there are baby goats too! Can't forget the (very loud) baby goats.


BeautifulDees said...

My husband was raised on a farm where there were mostly sheep...his dad had a milk barn and milked cow's for alot of year's. My husband also sheared sheep and we met some cool New Zealand shearer's. Have fun ranching.

City Life to Ranching Wife said...

It's been quite the experience and a far cry from the city but I really am enjoying every minute.