Thursday, January 5, 2012

a little Thursday entertainment.


I haven't posted in so long.  All I have is a blank screen and a flashing cursor staring back at me so I'll start off with something simple....a video of Jigs! A video of Jigs NOT working, no less! 

She may not want to learn to herd sheep, but my girl sure is ready for the circus! Now, if only she can get the juggling thing down.


Colette said...

Jigs is so adorable :)

TexWisGirl said...

she is really sweet. i hope all is well in your world. :)

Jenny Glen said...

Actually, you have a third trick there, you just don't realize it yet. Stand back a little farther from her and put your hand out for her to shake but keep it just out of reach and say "Wave". She'll reach out for your hand and miss it and you have a wave. Eventually, you can stand at a distance and put your hand out palm up and she'll wave to you.
Missed your posts! Glad to have you back.

City Life to Ranching Wife said...

Jenny!!! I can't wait to try this! LOVE IT!!

DJ said...

She's so smart! Ike cannot roll over to save his life.