The recent flooding occurred earlier this week in very rural communities spreading from Fort Collins near the Wyoming border over to the east impacting Greeley and Sterling, Colorado and surrounding areas. The floodwaters continue to flow south through Boulder, Denver and Colorado Springs. I want to do my part by sharing information with you about how you can help! The devastation to Colorado ranches and farms is tremendous; the people that feed us need our help! I don't know if many realize, but the devastation in Colorado will impact you and your family in one way or another. Many crops are lost, an estimated 60,000 dairy cows stranded, packaging plants forced to close...the list goes on and on. If you think this won't affect you, you are mistaken.
Local photographer, Mitch Bowers took the photo below; it sends such a real message. The agricultural community took a huge hit when these floodwaters started flowing. You may not know a farmer or rancher on a personal level, but the devastation is real and these people need your help. Let us not forget rural Colorado.
You can view more aerial photos by Mitch Bowers on his Facebook page.
This video and article of a stranded horse named, Socks broke my heart. Socks is now safe and uninjured, but the sight and story of this stranded horse is undoubtedly heartbreaking and only one of many.
The Colorado Farm Bureau is just one organization that you might consider donating to and they have set up a Disaster Relief Fund in which 100% of the proceeds will be given to members of the ranching and farming community. Please click here if you would like to help members of the farming and ranching community.
Jesse and I are very active with the Colorado Farm Bureau and we strongly support their mission of being the voice for agriculture and thank them for putting this Disaster Relief Fund together.
If the Colorado Farm Bureau's Disaster Relief Fund is not your organization of choice, please see below...there are several other ways you can help!
Thank you to my Boulder area friend, Aubrey for putting the information below together.
· The Longmont Humane Society is accepting animals of flood evacuees daily and has sheltered over 140 animals so far. A monetary donation is their biggest need, but they are also looking for large metal dog crates and poop bags. Visit the following link to learn more and donate:
· Boulder Waldorf Kindergarten suffered a lot of damage in the flood. Visit the following site to see the list of items that they need donated:
· Jeffco Fairgrounds big animal evacuation center is desperately needing helping hands for any amount of time. Many of their animals are local, and with so many local families affected by the flooding, they are at high capacity of animals checked in, but very limited with volunteers. (Volunteers must be over 18 and familiar/comfortable working with horses and possibly other large animals). Please contact the Patchwork School if you are interested in volunteering.
· If you own a business, you could look into Yellowscene Magazine’s initiative to support those who are open for business in helping individuals affected by the flood. Their flood campaign initiative will help the community by encouraging people to frequent local businesses that are helping contribute to the rebuilding efforts. Contact Lancaster Thelen for more information.
Organizations to turn to for more opportunities…
· Boulder Flood Relief is a local, boots on the ground, all-volunteer group facilitating and organizing relief for displaced and in need individuals. On their website, , you can sign up to receive emails about various opportunities to support Boulder Community Members.
· Salvation Army: Help those affected during the days of storm ahead and during long-term recovery. The Salvation Army uses 100 percent of your disaster donations in support of local disaster relief operations. To give, visit or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769) and designate "Colorado Floods." You may also text GIVEHOPEIM to 80888 to donate $10 to The Salvation Army.* Donations by mail may be designated "Colorado Floods" and sent to: The Salvation Army, P.O. Box 60006, Prescott, Arizona 86304.
· Red Cross: To help people affected by disasters like these floods, people can donate by, calling 1-800-RED CROSS or texting the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Contributions may also be made by
· Help Colorado is a partnership between the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) and Colorado Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (COVOAD). This initiative brings together government agencies and nonprofit organizations so they may better assist communities affected by disasters.
· Foothills United Way: Foothills United Way has established the 'Foothills Flood Relief Fund' to be able to respond to the effects of these storms. Organizers expect to use this fund for immediate relief as well as longer-term recovery in Boulder and Broomfield Counties. The Fund is accessible online .